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5 Reasons Dogs Make Me Grateful This Thanksgiving as a Dog Mom and Positive Dog Trainer

When I first wrote about the things my dog made me grateful for at Thanksgiving over four years ago, I had my beloved Jake still by my side and zero knowledge of the pain the future held for us.

Although Jake's been gone for almost two years now, I still think about him every day. These days I have a new dog, Shadow Dawn, who could not be more different from Jake. There are pros and cons to those differences of course. It's funny to me, even when it's me that's doing it, that humans are so surprised when their new dog isn't the same as their previous dog.

I think it's just that we get so used to things being a particular way over the years that it's challenging to adjust to something similar but different. The things Jake made me grateful for in the past, I'm still thankful for today. As a bonus, in the almost two years I've had Shadow Dawn, she has managed to add to the list of things my dogs make me grateful for. Honestly, I'm even grateful for that: that Shadow has continued Jake's legacy of making me a better person and dog mom.

I generally take a few days off from work around Thanksgiving and, because my family is small and we go to a restaurant for our Thanksgiving meal, it gives me plenty of time to actually give thanks for the animals, people and other good things in my life.

No matter your activities, if you celebrate Thanksgiving, the point of this holiday is to pause and reflect on what you're most grateful for in life. For me, one of the things I am most thankful for is dogs. All dogs, and particularly my dogs, Jake and Shadow, have changed my life in more ways than I can count—some big, some small, and yes, a few that might even be considered inconvenient or challenging. But all of them, in their own way, have been a gift, and for that, I am deeply grateful. Although only two of the dogs who've touched my life have truly been my own and one of them is no longer with me, the meaningful lessons they taught me are mine forever.

I look forward to adding to this list as Shadow, now only four years old, has many years left to challenge, inspire and humble me. For now, here are the top five reasons dogs fills me with gratitude this Thanksgiving.


1. Living with a dog breathes extra life and joy into my home

Jake used to do the same thing for me that Shadow does now. My dogs watch over me and ensure I'm not too serious and take time for fun. Now that Jake is gone, I'm even more mindful of spending quality time with my dog as their time with us is always too short. I treasure and am thankful for every moment shared with my dogs because I know how fleeting this time can be.

2. Experiencing a dog's growth journey is my passion

Jake opened my eyes to the challenges of reactive dogs and his transformation over the years was nothing short of remarkable. If you’ve followed me for a while, you know Jake came into my life as a bundle of behavioral challenges—growling, snapping, biting, you name it. In those early days, I tried the wrong kinds of training which only made the situation worse.

Discovering positive reinforcement training was the turning point for both of us. Through patience, understanding and the right training approach, Jake has mellowed and become a happier, more relaxed version of himself. Watching his progress reminds me daily why I’m so passionate about helping other dogs and their people.

Shadow Dawn arrived as a traumatized bundle of nerves who was afraid to even leave our apartment for the first few months she spent with me. Now, she loves her daily walk. Shadow still has a long way to go which is OK because I am equipped with the patience and expertise I need to help her thrive.

3. Dogs have been my greatest teachers

I have a master's degree and numerous certifications in both education and dog training. Despite that, dogs are the ones who have truly been my greatest teachers. Perhaps I should say dogs are the ones who have taught me the most important lessons. From dogs I have learned how to slow down and appreciate the simple things—a walk in the park, a quiet evening at home, the joy of a wagging tail. I’ve learned patience, resilience, and even the ability to let go of material possessions (since Jake had a real talent for destroying my precious stuff!).

Dogs have taught me to accept other living creatures as is and meet them where they are when building relationships. Life with Jake has shaped me into a better, more grounded person.

4. Dogs gave me new life perspectives and priorities

I didn't grow up with dogs but always wanted one. So, the first time I lived somewhere dogs were allowed, I went out and adopted my first dog before I'd even unpacked all my stuff. That dog was Jake.

At the time I worked at a local college teaching public speaking, communication and a few special topics courses on mindset. I'd trained to be a teacher so this was a great fit for me and the hours were dog mom friendly. Before bringing Jake home, my priorities were what you might expect: I valued sleeping in on weekends, keeping a tidy house for guests and chasing career milestones. I expected Jake to fit into my existing lifestyle.

I'd take walks with friends and their dogs, keep his toys contained to keep the same tidiness standards as before, have lots of off-leash fun and board him when I traveled.

However, it didn't take long to realize that Jake’s unique needs—like not being able to do “normal” dog things such as visiting dog parks, daycare or having doggy friends—forced me to reassess what mattered most. Adjusting my life to accommodate Jake’s well-being wasn’t a sacrifice; it was an opportunity to focus on what truly mattered to me. To my surprise, the changes I made to support Jake - like solo walks at off hours so we wouldn't run into other dogs - brought more meaning and fulfillment to my life than I could have imagined.

Giving Jake the space he needed gifted me time to think about my life and goals in new ways. I remembered I'd always wanted a career working with animals and that I didn't really need my home to be perfectly tidy (don't get me wrong, it's not dirty, there are just dog toys everywhere and a dog ball pit in the living room).

5. A dog named Jake inspired an entirely new and fulfilling career as a positive dog trainer

As I mentioned above, spending time with Jake gave me space to remember my childhood dreams. Trying to find help for Jake's behavior issues led me, after hearing way too much bad advice, to positive reinforcement dog training and how amazing it is at transforming the lives of dogs like Jake. My experience with Jake's challenges inspired me to take a leap of faith and pursue a career change I never saw coming.

Going to dog training school, getting certified as a positive dog trainer and starting my business, Creature Good Dog Training, was a direct result of my journey with Jake. Now I get to help dogs with fear based problem behaviors and trauma histories and the humans who love them build calm, connected lives together. I love it AND it’s the most rewarding work I’ve ever done.

Fortunately for me, my prior career has been a tremendous help in my work as a dog trainer. My education and experience in mindset and communication work along with my background as a teacher of people helps me help dog owners understand the nuances of dog behavior and how to humanely change it.

Dogs Are our Greatest Gift

Dogs have an incredible ability to transform our lives, teaching us lessons about love, patience, joy and resilience. My clients' dogs, Jake and Shadow Dawn are constant reminders for me of these gifts. This Thanksgiving I’m grateful beyond words that my life revolves around dogs.

Now it’s your turn! What has your dog brought into your life that you’re thankful for this year? Share it in the comments—I’d love to hear it.


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